Hi, my name is Grishon.
I'm a Fullstack Dev with an 👁 for design.

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About me

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My interest is in early stage companies on a mission to revolutionize how we do things. I value intentionalism and doing things above and beyond. My background is in Information Technology but my strong suite is in adaptability and being nimble. I get things done!

My experience is in Software Development with core focus on Testing and Security, employing TDD paradigms and battle tested security tools. Having a background in sales I am an effective speaker that can communicate with different stakeholders.

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Multiplayer TicTacToe Game

Inspired by my small sister to make her the popular TictacToe game that she could play with her friends during this lockdown period, we built this on Flask and used the package socket.io to handle socket connections between players.

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This is a community of like minded individuals that come together to connect and inspire each other through competition to become better people. Was built on Firebase, Vanilla Js and HTML & CSS

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Inspired by a friend to to solve his problem he was facing with his image recognition web application that was tied to AWS only because he had access to AWS lamda functions to trigger his machine learning model once an image was uploaded. I built him this python micro-module that used the watchdog library and would listen for image uploads on a directory and would move the images appropriately.

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